PROMOTERS: Staley Training Systems & USP Labs
DATE: Begins February 22nd 2010
Ends April 18th 2010
AWARDS: USP Labs Prize Package and a 3 Day Stay at Charles Staley’s Bed and Barbell
What: The... Fat Ass to Bad Ass contest is an 8 week performance and body composition challenge being held by Staley training Systems in conjunction with USP labs. 8 Lucky individuals will be chosen to join one of two teams of 4. One team will get a training program and diet recommendations by coach Charles Staley. The Other will get the same by coach Phil Stevens. All individuals will also receive USP Labs new fat burner and muscle preservation product OxyElite Pro and advice as to its use during the program. The Kicker!! 8 People start the program. Only two will have a chance to be the one to win the prize package above. Every other week participants will post progress in the form of scale weight, waist measurement, progress pictures, and their training log (kept on the Team Staley Forum) from this info each week the participants will come up against an open to the public vote. The person from each team with the least amount of votes will be out of further involvement in the contest. Then there are only two, one on each team. The participants will again post scale weight, waist measurement, progress pictures, their training log , with as well the addition of a video of them completing a 1rm max deadlift to compare with their performance from a pre contest 1 RM deadlift test video submitted prior to starting the competition to evaluate how well they were able to maintain or gain performance while dropping weight/body fat. The final vote. will come down to a best out of three situation. The public vote will count as one vote, a vote By USP Labs counting as another, and an Undisclosed impartial judge being the last vote, to seal which person, from which team, wins the prize package. Train and living on site in person with both coaches at the Bed and barbell and a prize package from USP labs.
See PDF info, rules and entry app here
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