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Monday, July 26, 2010

Question of the Day 13

#1 If one were to perform the portion of the Olympic lift the clean that moves the bar from the floor to the knees they are doing the _____ pull. If just that move is done then purposely lowered back to the floor and repeated its called a ____________________?

#2 One of the main treatments for hypermobility is regular exercise to strengthen muscles, because strong muscles ______________ joints.

#3 What is the name of Arnold character and what was the film pictured below?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1. Initial Pull deadlift
    2. Support
    3. Matrix Commando

  3. 1) First pull, clean lift off

    2) support

    3) John Matrix, Commando

    nice work Corey close
