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Friday, February 19, 2010

Lift For Hope 2010

Lift For Hope 2010

Hey all. I am happy to announce my planning for Lift For Hope 2010 will kick off hardcore this week. I have some exciting news this year including a revamped website and a whole new avenue for the money raised.

Lift for Hope is a 3rd annual Charity Strength Sports Event. This year's "Lift for Hope" again will be a one day NAHA sanctioned Highlander State Championship and APF sanctioned deadlift meet held in mid Oct to Early Nov in the Phoenix Az Metro Area.

In 2010 I have decided to take the charities giving's in a new direction. In the two previous years I used the event to raise money for first an American Cancer Society camp for children, then last year The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Az. This year I am changing the focus to a by strength athletes, for strength athletes event. Proceeds raised will support strength athletes that compete on the international level for the United States Of America.

It's amazing that we still stand as very competitive in some of the sports with such a variance in the support received compared to our competition. There is no question as to why we are not more competitive, It boils right down to capital, to funding, and support or the lack there of. It is time we, we the fellow strength athletes, enthusiasts, the fitness, supplement, and training equipment industries as well as the general populations stand up and lend a hand to these athletes that shed blood sweat and tears to compete on the national level in our names.

That is what I intend to do this year with Lift For Hope 2010. The charitable profits raised will go to support three athletes that compete on the international level for our country. One Olympic Weight Lifter, one Power lifter, and one Thrower (Shot Put, hammer, or discus) will receive equal checks from Lift For Hope to help supplement the cost of their training and hard work in representing us. I will be announcing the athletes as early as next week.

Strength athletics in the USA, unlike our international counterparts, have become the unfunded evil steps sister to team athletics and other single athlete athletic events such as gymnastics, sprinting, and swimming. Heavy athletes as a whole have taken a huge hit in this day in age. Across the board the athletes put years of dedication, blood, sweat and tears in the hopes of bringing home gold for our country, with little to know accolades and recognition, let alone funding.

These athletes are scrapping by, training endless hours in our honor to shoot for a goal greater than most even dare to dream, all the while scrapping by on few peanuts and chicken soup, while working a part time job that will allow them to keep the training schedule that athletes around the globe, and even in their own country in other sports Don't have to worry about as they are funded and allowed to vent all of their energy into their training. It is time we the people lend a hand, to even our playing field for our hard training strength athletes.

It is also high time that strength athletic and charity merge. How many successful walks, Jogs, marathons do you see across the world. How many endurance based events do you know of that do a great job and get turn outs in the tens of thousands for causes. It's time for strength athletics to come out and be seen as well and show that we are a community of great and giving people. That is my aim to give strength athletes a way to give back and be seen for who we are.

At Lift For Hope 2010 men and women of all ages, weight classes, and experience levels, from beginner to expert, will again compete in the two competitions to support the charity, strength athletics, and to hold the title of State Champion. Beginners to advanced are welcome to participate. Last year's event saw 14 first time novice athletes, produced 16 New State records, and 3 national records including a 725lb raw deadlift by Lift for Hope founder and operator me. We hope for this kind of representation and more from novice and elite alike in 2010.

In addition to the competition the atmosphere as a whole is that of a family friendly event. There will also be, Music, food, massage, a raffle, demonstrations and more for the entire family to enjoy, Athletic enthusiast and not. I am looking to build on last year which saw 3 bands, one comedian, 2 food vendors, 3 massage therapists, Gifts and mascots for all, and more. Please spread the word, give what you can and please come join us to help grow this event, support strength athletics, and in turn your country.

More info to come in the very near future. Again please spread the word and if you know of any possible sponsors and or want to get involved yourself please email me at Phil@lift4hope.org and look for the new website which should be up very soon at www.lift4hope.org

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