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Monday, March 29, 2010

Big Meet Weekend

A huge congrats to the four athletes (Helene, Andy, Josh and Geno) I coached this weekend to a meet. They all hit PR's and between them hit 10 national records and 5 state records

Monday Mrach 29 2010 Bench

Monday March 29th
Man I guess this weekend zapped me more then I thought everything was heavy but I got the work in

Bench long pause no big arch feet wider
Bar x 10
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
365 easy
295 x 8,4,5,3,3,3,3,2,1,1,1,1

1 and 2 B) Blast strap rows + 20lbs body weight
10 x 3 then sets of 13,12,9
One more then last time

2A) Close grip Pin press # 7 about mid way where I start to stick
275 x 2
225 x 5 x 2

3A)DB Rows
110 x 10

3B) Right arm DB Press
90 x 5

Called it on the assistance I was beating a dead horse

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wed march 24th 2010 Squats

Wed march 24th 2010

Throw Practice spins with 56 lb weight for distance

Squat, fairly wide to high box (The high box is set to where I have no hip pain from the bones grinding)

Warm ups all x 5 reps =95, 135, 185, 225, 275, 315, 365, and 405

420 x 7 x 5 sets
Kept it at 5 sets 7 tonight as my left leg was having one of those days it wasn’t firing. Just tried to make it work on all the reps. Not hard got the work in

Speed squats against black bands using tendo
155 + Blacks x 2 x 5 sets
Just plugging these in and up it very slow to keep full range of motion stuff in try and ease the hip into it. squat pause in bottom explode. All were over 95% on the tendo no real drop off.

Step ups, 18” inch box (just left leg) / GM’s with weight releaseres 3 sets 10
BW x 3 sets 10 / 275 x 3 sets 10

Reverse Hyper
180lbs x 3 sets 10
Easy time to raise load

Side bends, 3 sets 10

Hammer throw spins

All in all good day, minimal hip pain after.

No Such Thing As a Bad Question - Part 6

It’s never dull when you take to answering hundreds of emails and phone calls from people all over the globe. Its that time again, Time for me to share some true gems of knowledge and some real wieners.

Subject: Injury


Hey, I am a beg. weight lifter and two days ago I lifted for about 30 mins, the net day my arm was swollen at the elbow and very hard to bend. It is really sore and painful when I try to bend it. What do you think happened, and what should I do to not make the same mistake again? Thanks

Jimmy -


You likely just went to hard to early or were using sloppy form, not meaning going fast, fast is GOOD as long as you can control it. Speed kills ( your opponent) and also makes you strong but dont sacrifice control for speed.

Take some NSAIDS and rest it, ice three times daily and come back. try and progress a bit slower you don’t need to limp out of the gym to make progress. Pain is not what your seeking painless with progress is.


Subject: Diet


Hi Phil, my weight is now gradually increasing week after week, becoz i cant seem to curb my appetite,especialy since i could back then. the only thing that keeps me 4rm growing fat is dancing i dance everyday its casual 4 me,but its not enough.

i need 2 know how to curb my appetite and eat well, what exercises i must do to lose w8(i do not have any gym equipment), and also i want to be able to build muscle without my hormones interfering, what i mean is that sometimes i want to be lean and other times i want a bit of muscle. wow look at me yapping like ur santa or something.

Thanks you will be a GREAT help.



Man, I got to say I LOVE answering questions on this service. It makes me look like a regular old English scholar.

Its all in the food you eat not just how much you eat. You need to base your food choices on real healthy foods and away from processed junk. base your intake first on protein and fats the two foods we must have to live a healthy life and get lean. They are also the food that keep you full. Then tack on some carbs in the form of whole green veggies and some fruit, but the fats and protein should be the base. Stay away from the processed junk and grains and sugars like bagels, breads, pasta, rice, sugar, potato, crackers and cereals etc.. get snacks of healthy nuts and fruits, meats, oils, and eggs. Things you are meant to eat.

For my clients and athletes the protein and fats are ALWAYS the same as these are again the foods we must intake to be healthy, happy and have a lean athletic body. What changes is the carb intake to meet the individuals goals and activity level, to lose, gain or maintain weight.

A calorie is NOT a calorie.

As far as training you need to find a way to get resistance training in even if its just body weight and picking up heavy things, Doing interval high intensity work etc. equipment does NOT have to be classic gym equipment it can be anything that has weight to it. You must remember as well when you gain muscle you burn more fat all day every day which itself causes more fat loss. Then to get tone you also need tone. Muscle is what create tone

The dancing is great BUT..You need to get a firm relationship in training with resistance training as the base and cardio as the after thought. The stuff that makes men big and muscular makes women have that hard, lean look.

You as well as everyone should base your training on heavy resistance training, heavy of course being a relative term to the individual. Based in BIG compound moves with free weights not machines in order to get that lean, tight, strong, muscular and athletic look you desire.

Base your training on squats, Deadlift, bench press, over head press, chins and rows, and power cleans these are the moves that use the most bang for the buck at once at once. Train like an athlete, seek performance not pain. Pain is not an indicator of a good workout, progress is. Pain happens, it should not be a goal of training. Its better to make progress and have NO pain. Aim not to go to failure. failure happens don’t seek it. Aim to kick the weights butt not them kicking yours, Aim to make progress, make something that was hard easy. Start slow, even deep body weight squats and work up. Learn proper form.

I would stay in the 1-8 rep range for 3-5 sets for a good year learning proper form and making simple linear progress. Correct crisp and fast concentric, a nice controlled eccentric, focusing on performance over pain. If you perform better you by default will look better.

I would do one press, one pull and one leg move a day really giving the moves the attention they deserve. Start with 3 days a week and tack on some anaerobic type of cardio like playing a game (tennis, hiking anything like that, etc.. Short intense sprinting, 8-15 sets a few times a week. on a track or treadmill, HIIT type of intervals. All out with rest periods. You have NO need to run long distances, Your resistance training should be the foundation and the other activity secondary. Training/exercise should be FUN!!! Something you enjoy and look forward to Not a drag.

For more info you should join our free discussion forum, you will get lots of great advice and discussion there www.teamstaley.com start a training log. We can help with training, diet and then give advice on supplementation.


Subject: Progress


Hello! I have a lot of muscle, but i do have some fat. For the past 3 weeks i have been doing this exercise rutine 4-5 times a week where i jump rope then do an ab exercise, jump rope, leg exercise, jump rope, and continue that for 2 more sets. It takes me about 35-40 minutes to do. I now go for a mile run on saturdays or if i need a break ill run instead of the exercise rutine. How long will i have to continue with thi until i see results? thanks so much!(:



3 weeks is no time at all. a few Months minimum to see very noticeable results, and in honesty you need to find a form of exercise that you enjoy and will sustain for life there is no quick fix you must do this forever so best to find an enjoyable activity now. I would urge you to get a healthy relationship with training and resistance training to be more exact.


Subject: Abzzz


Hey Phil What up DOG!?, My name is Kurt (to the hurt) and im just wondering how can you get a six pack fast.

Do you know of any 30 minute workout on my abzzz everyday?
I know about the Cardio but i want to tighten up my abzzz then do cardio.
I just need simple abzzz workouts for 30 minutes?
Yo what should I do?
And i dont want no 5 different things, just like 2-3 workouts.

And This is for home ,not the gyzzim. But you think the gym or home is mo better?



Hey G-

The number one thing that is going to build your abdominal wall is heavy load on your whole body. the main function of your abs is to prevent unwanted movement not to create movement like a sit-up, crunch etc.. Things like loading heavy weight on your back, over your head picking weight up off the floor. Heavy planks, get ups, bridges etc.

You should begin a resistance training program of basic big compound exercises for your whole body with a couple sets of planks and like isometric ab work tacked on at the end to get the core you want. You don’t need a gym but you do need to work hard. Find heavy things to pick up, hold, carry, put over your head etc or go to the gym

For more info you should join our free discussion forum, you will get lots of great advice and discussion there www.teamstaley.com start a training log. We can help with training, diet and then give advice on supplementation.


Iron Radio 50th Episode Trivia Contest

EVENT: Iron Radio call-in trivia contest!

Celebrate our upcoming 50th episode and new online store (visit http://www.IronRadio.org, initial proceeds go to maintain the web site).

TOPIC: Answer four questions to be entered into a drawing for FREE STUFFDATE & TIME: Now through Friday, April 2nd 2010 at 2:00 PM Eastern

FORMAT: Phone-in answers...

Q.1) Where does Bill Pearl train?
Q.2) How many years did Charles say one should train before opening his pie hole?
Q.3) Which "top ten" hardcore gym has been the competitive training center for both Lonnie and Rob?
Q.4) What does PETA stand for in Phil's world?

TO TAKE PART THIS EVENT: Call 1-206-203-3798 with your answers

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Mar 21th

Bench long pause no big arch feet wider
Bar x 10
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
355 x 1
370 x 1
375 x 1 easy
290 x 11,8,5,5,4,2
Better, same reps or better and more load

1 and 2 B) Blast strap rows + 20lbs body weight
10 x 3 then sets of 12,12,9

2A) Close grip Pin press # 7 about mid way where I start to stick
275 x 4,3
225 x 6

3A)DB Rows
100 x 10 x 2sets still easy up more next week

3B) Right arm DB Press
80 x 10 x 2 sets easy

Few triceps push downs, hammer curls and band pull aparts

DLing in Wichita Falls

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday March 15th

Monday Mar 15th

Bench long pause no big arch feet wider
Bar x 10
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
355 x 1
370 x 1
375 x 1 easy
285 x 11,7,6,5,3,2,1
Man hit a wall fast was going on minimal rest this time. The heavier stuff felt good still not used to the thumbless grip at all but feeling better tried going with the thumb but still considerable pain on the broken thumb so went back to thumbless

Blast strap rows
10 x 3 then sets of 15,15 15
Finally Ill add weight now

2A) Close grip Pin press # 7 about mid way where I start to stick
Skipped in I was in a hurry and triceps were fried

2B)DB Rows
90 x 10 x 2sets still easy up more next week

Right arm DB Press and band pull aparts
70x 10 x 2 sets

Few triceps push downs and hammer curls

All in all good day crazy pump which Im not used to. Triceps are so week the load blasts from a pause to about half way and grinds

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

We have the spring Girls camp here and the ladies are kickin butt

My Training

March 5th 2010
OH press
We had girls Camp all day so I had to abbreviate my training

10 x 3 during push press
Then 1 set of 17 (PR 1 rep at this bodyweight)

Push press
Bar, 40, 50 70kg x 5 reps
80 and 90kg x 3
100 x 2
110 x 1
120 x 1
130 x 1
140 x 1 (308 lbs an 8 lb push press PR) Nice!!!
Very happy about this everything felt heavy last week the first week back this flew up. Think the triceps are getting stronger

DB OH press
One set each arm let the right be the limiter

that’s it

DB OH press
3 x 10 Move up load when I can do 3 sets 10
Wide grip pull downs
Move up load when I can do 3 sets 20
1 minute rest

DL day
Hurry up and get to Charles and Alex Meet

Dead Lift = Work on Speed.
Work up to triple have NO clue where its going to be but might as well shoot for a PR right away and see what I can do with the thumb its feeling better but not 100%

245 x 3 x 3
335 x 3
425 x 2
515 x 1
605 x 1
620 x 1

Rack pull just below Knee
620 x 3
655 x 3
755 x 3
Man that felt heavy but looking back my 1RM was 775 so in reality that’s not bad at all

I was able to go without straps all the was up to 655 and then that caused pain so called it there for now to not kill the thumb.

Sumo DL
355 x 3 sets 8

Lots of throwing later.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

This week March 11th

March 10th training

Wed march 10th 2010

Throw Practice spins

Squat, fairly wide to high box (The high box is set to where I have no hip pain from the bones grinding)

Warm ups all x 5 reps =95, 135, 185, 225, 275, 315, 365,

410 x 7 x 5 sets

Everything was feeling heavy so just dropped the rest and went for sets of 7
All went well and did the training in half the time I did last week

Speed squats against black bands using tendo
145 + gray x 2 x 5 sets
Just plugging these in and up it very slow to keep full range of motion stuff in try and ease the hip into it. squat pause in bottom explode. All were over 95% on the tendo no real drop off.

Step ups, 13.5” inch box / GM 3 sets 10
80 x 3 sets 10 / 205 x 3 sets 10

Reverse Hyper
180lbs x 3 sets 10

Side bends, 3 sets 10

Fast training session, hip then kept me up a LOT last night post training and low back on right side was PUMPED as hell again

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mondat and tuesday training DL video

Monday Mar 7th

Still nursing a broken thumb

Bench long pause no big arch feet wider
Bar x 10
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
335 x 1
355 x 1
365 x 1
280 x 11,8,5,6,4,1
Bit of progress the this grip has me using a lot more tricep and shoulder, not as much pec which is what I relay on but that’s good for me

Blast strap rows
10 x 3 then sets of 15,15 13

2A) Close grip Pin press # 7 about mid way where I start to stick
315 x 1, 275 x 3, 225 x 5
I was out of gas

2B)DB Rows
80 x 10 x 3 still easy up more next week

Alt DB Press (let right arm be the limiter) and band pull aparts
70x 12, 8, 7

Triceps 40lbs 20, 20 20
I wont move up till the right can do the 2 sets 20

Hammer curls 30 16, 11, -
Had to stop these killed the thumb

I’m not used to this volume at all but felt good no pain I just run out of gas quick.
March 8th

Throw training.

Stone put and heavy weight for distance

Went OK getting better at hip drive, back was a bit fatigued quickly

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dling March 6th 2010

DL day
30 minutes weight over bar

Dead Lift = Work on Speed.
Work up to triple have NO clue where its going to be but might as well shoot for a PR right away, and have to use strps for broken thumb.

245 x 3
335 x 3
425 x 2
515 x 1
605 x 1
630 x 3 (5 lb Pr)
635 x 3 (10 lb PR)
Neither of these was horrible felt heavy and slow but video looks much better. Good start

Sumo DL
335 x 3 sets 8
Man those torched my ass

High Pulls
3 sets 5 @ 225

Ass Blaster and abs 2 sets each

Stones load and shoulder.
Man I hadn’t touched a stone in over a year Jake and I just played with the 236 he has never done them but caught right on fun stuff need tacky.

Then push truck 1 mile took us 15 ½ minutes

Friday, March 5, 2010

OH press March 5th 2010

March 5th 2010
OH press
A broken thumb and toe not conducive to putting up big numbers but did what I could without to much pain. Plus just firstt week back

Work up to a heavy push press
These x 5 reps = bar, 95, 135, 185
205 x 1
225 x 1
265 x 1
275 x miss that was stupid
275 x 1 easy grin and bare it called the loads there
225 x 5

Then 1 sets press outs at 135 x 26

Neutral grip Chins
10 sets 3 then one of 15
Im happy with that for a first week back
Add load when I can hit 20

DB OH press
70 x 6,5,5
It was damn hard to hold a DB in the hand with the broken thumb

Wide grip pull downs
150 x 3 sets 20
1 minute rest for above two exercises

That’s it in and out

Real vs. Relative

Real vs. Relative

I often find myself thinking on the subject of strength, and of course the whole relative strength concept, or more so fallacy (fallacy in My Opinion, and remember my opinion is one that’s has seen me as heavy as 320 and light as 165 at 6’1” so it’s pretty damn diverse where I have been) comes to mind. In reality, reality meaning the real world, there is NO such thing as relative strength,. There is ONLY strength. Relative only comes into play in a contrived situation such as a weight classed sport such as power or Olympic weight lifting. In the real world, the one that 99.9% of the population lives in, aside from us athletes, there is NO relative factor to strength. (HMM so why is the relative fad such a highly sought and contrived pinnacle when most people are not in a competitive situation that demands it)

In the real world if there is a task to be done, the task does not care one iota how much the person doing it weighs. The one and only factor is that the job must be done. In such a case, a case that is a many and very much so the majority, strength is the most residing factor to your ability to compete such a task. A factor that by far and large most lack including those that seek and triumph there supposed superior relative strength.

So lets bring the relative world in to the real world. Of course the situation is going to still be contrived, it’s a story, and any story will be, But we’ll make the tasks these two have to complete as real world as we can.

So we have Carl. Carl is a self proclaimed stud. He is a jack of all trades and pretty damn good at pretty much any sport he trains. He’s 6 foot 190. He can run a 6 and a half minute mile, run a 4.3 40, has completed a half marathon, can do 20 dead hang chins, can press 225 (1.18 x bodyweight), bench 275 (1.44 x bodyweight) , squat 475 (2.13 x bodyweight) , deadlift 570 ( 3 x bodyweight)and is Ripped at 8% body fat with HOT Abzz. Those are damn good numbers in relative terms, and dude is Hot and mean he has Abzzz.

Now we have his polar opposite Abbot. Abbot is the same 6 foot but he is 280. He hasn’t ran a mile in ? god knows how long, can still run a 5 second 40, gets sick thinking about running a half marathon hell even walking a half marathon, can do 8 dead hang chins, can press 275 (.98 x bodyweight), bench 345 (1.25 x bodyweight) , squat 490 ( just 1.75 x bodyweight) , deadlift 600 ( just 2.15 x bodyweight) Abbot is over fat with a 23% body fat with not a hint of abs and some killer love handle. He’s strong but his numbers aren’t great. He’s no elite athlete by any means he dabbles in strength training pretty good at making it 2-3 times a week and just trying to get Strong when he does make it. He thinks about some day maybe getting serious and being a power lifter or Olympic lifter but who knows.

Again polar opposite one jacked ripped pretty down strong stud and one guy that’s again has a good level of strength but in relative terms not that great and his capacity for distance is likely crap as he hasn’t done any. What happens when we put these two in a simple real world situation? Meaning a situation that like life doesn’t care what you weigh just that a task MUST be completed?

Abbot and Carl are dropped on an island ( told you contrived but stay with me here remember the definition of real world) They are told you each have 24 hours to do two things or you will face death on this island which has no food and no escape. You have to first cross the island. It is 30miles then you must lift a 580 lb lead weight off of a trigger that will then send the alarm to have the chopper come save you.

OK GO. Carl smokes it he paces himself and to conserve energy and still makes the 30 miles in 6 hours. Abbot on the other hand, he is over fat and not “fit” he slugs along at 30 minutes a mile, takes the time to take in the scenery etc. and makes the trip in a piss pour 15 hours.

What does Abbot find? He find Carl laying on the ground next to his weight to move crying his eyes out knowing he faces certain death even thought he kicked the hell out of Abbots travel time, even though he has HOT abuzz and is a superior physical specimen. Despite the fact his relative strength in as high as three times body weight a HUGE feat in any sports realm he just can’t move the weight, it is 10 lbs more then his best ever effort.

Abbot smiles then waddles his fat as over to his lead weight. He takes a big breath expanding his bowl full of jelly, grunts turns 16 different shades of red as his blood pressure shy rockets due to his over stressed heart but he moves the weight and he lives, While his relatively stronger competitor is destined to die.

What’s the moral of the story? Abbot was relatively less “fit” ( an abused and over used term) but when the rubber hit the road he could do everything his counterpart could and more. It may take him longer at some things that required endurance but he could do them. While Carl even though he was a human freak and had great relative strength when face with one task vs. a seemingly lesser opponent in all ways except one (maximal strength) LOST.

In the real world, on the field of life. What matters most is your ability to DO the job, not so much how long it takes. If you cant do it, it will by default, take you forever. More times then not in life the reason someone cant do something, be it a chin up, to carry an injured soldier or co worker off the field. The ability to push your car off the street. To beat down an oncoming attacker. Or simply be a useful man and have the ability to move your old washing machine out of its basement home, and move a new one in its place is limited by your lack of maximal strength. All of the other strength qualities, as Mark Rippetoe has a very unique and entertaining way of explaining and I urge you to hear in person by attending one of his seminars, relies first on maximal strength. For example before you can have strength endurance you better damn well simply have the strength. You cant endure without the base level of strength to do one.

This is not me proposing you to become an over fat, un-conditioned but fairly strong slob. It me telling you to wake the hell up and realize you live in a real world, and the real world doesn’t care how much you weigh. If you care about real world ability one of the main things on your mind should not be your Abzz and if you can fit in your skinny jeans and still knock out 25 chins, but that you have the ability to DO the tasks that are asked of you, with no regard to how you look doing it. More times than not that will mean getting bigger, and adding a bit of healthy body fat to get stronger. A healthy focus on performance instead of aesthetics and you’ll find out an amazing fact that if you do so, your form will follow your function.

I’ve had visible abzz myself and I’ve still never seen an ab do a damn thing in this life in the real world. Now go ponder these words and ask yourself really how useful are you, in real, not relative terms.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

This week March 4th 2010

Wed Training March 3rd 2010

Wed march 3rd 2010

Throw Practice spins
Just worked on the heavy weight spin, and fast foot work. I got markedly better on this in this one session now will have to see if it stuck. I also ordered one of those adjustable weights from legendary strength

Squat, fairly wide to high box (The high box is set to where I have no hip pain from the bones grinding)

Warm ups all x 5 reps =95, 135, 185, 225, 275, 315, 365,

405 x 13, 12, 10

WOW!! That sucked mainly cardio wise and then last set my low back was massively pumped and locked up LOL

Speed squats against black bands
135 + gray x 2 x 5 sets
Easy but there was some hip pain going to depth, just want to try and keep going to depth and up it Very very slow to see if I can get pain free.

Step ups, 13.5” inch box / GM 3 sets 10
60 x 3 sets 10 / 185 x 3 sets 10
Each was pretty do able had to start somewhere very deep GM’s like I used to which man hit my butt hard and then the step ups hard for left leg easy for right but Ill let the weak leg be the limiter, up load next time

Reverse Hyper
3 sets move load up when I Can do 3 sets 10
Up load next time

Side bends, 3 sets 10

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fat Ass To Bad Ass Voting Period #1

Fat Ass to Bad Ass Contest first Voting period 1 is here.
Below will be two polls.

Please check out the logs and then vote for the person you feel should
stay on from each team. The person from each team that has the least
votes by Saturday morning when Phil comes to work w...ill be out of the
contest leaving 6 total contestants until round two voting in two weeks.

Check the links below to see what the contestants have done

Charles Team = http://www.teamstaley.com/showthread.php?t=14549

Phil's Team (Vote for my team they are kicking Butt)

If your interested in getting the USP Labs fat burner the contestant
are raving about Albany Strength has a great deal on it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Throwing Training Tue March 2nd 2010

Tuesday March 2nd 2010

Throw training

-Light weight for distance
Working on the double spin and foot work getting better

- Open stone
Working on lower body explosion and hip turn
Need a lot of work the minute I get weight in my hands my upper body wants to take over

Hammer = 1 warm up throw and I broke the handle LOL

Monday, March 1, 2010

My first Highland games

I did pretty damn good for my first games aside from breaking a thumb and toe on the second throw.My thumb is nice and swollen, it ended up only effecting the last two events the stone throws couldnt get the thumb on them. We will see today how it effects bench. The toe only really effected the weights for distance trying to drive off that foot. It was actually a reinjury of the same spot I have broken several times and aggravated last weekend

I still got 2nd in one maybe two events which was great for my first time out and since they didn’t put me in the novice class and jumped me right to a strong class of fellas in the B class who have been doing it a few years at the least. But that was good with me and hind sight where I belong and with some training should excel in.

I will do more games, its addicting and I look damn sexy in a kilt. My next one is in May in Presscott

Heavy hammer 67'11'
light hammer 81' something.

56lb WOB 12' missed 13' had height but didn't get it Back enough.

I think 20'3" heavy weight can't recall light weight.

34 I think open stone. Can't recall braemar.

Caber didn't do well loaded it fine technique was crap. Only 3 people turned it. I think thts it lol.

Time to actually practice this stuff now and do more of these

Back training finally March 1st 2010

Monday Mar 1st

Bench OK no goals with broken thumb had to go thumb less with weight on the outside of hand but went ok, just going to play it conservative on the first day back and boost it as I go

Bench long pause no biog arch feet wider
Bar x 10
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
335 x 1
345 x 1 easy (m lil painful on hand so stopped
275 x 10,8,6,5,4,2
Not to happy about that as I hit 14 of those a few months back but considering just coming back, the thumb and no arch not bad

Blast strap rows
10 x 3 then sets of 15,13,10
Man ran out of gas fast

2A) Close grip Pin press # 7 about mid way where I start to stick
315 x 3,2,1 man that shit is hard close grip and after that other pressing

2B)DB Rows
70 x 10 x 3 sets started very light, those hurt to hold in the hand with broken thumb not sure if I can DL this week

DB Press (1 set both arm 2 sets just right arm on presses) and band pull aparts
50 x 20, 20, 17
Man my right side is weak

Triceps 40lbs left = 20 and 20, right 16, 14
I wont move up till the right can do the 2 sets 20

Hammer curls 25 x 20, 20
That was hard for the right arm left very easy.