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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

DLIng 9.30.09

DL from floor
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 1
585 x 1 x 3
Just trying to make this which should be easy feel easy didn’t happen felt not heavy but slow I couldn’t go faster

Rack Pulls above the knee
585 x 1
625 x 1
675 x 1
725 x 1
765 x 1
That was way harder then it should have been

Reverse hyper
90 x 25

Horrible horrible early morning training session 765lbs felt like 875 should, kept it brief and walked away I am not recovered.

Session 2

Just get some work in had a bit of a tender spot in my back.

Power Cleans
135 x 3
185 x 1 x 2
205 x 1 x 2
255 x nope
225 x 1
235 x 1
245 x 1
255 x 1
265 x 1

It’s a start still below my best but cant expect to break records on a day like this and after dead lifting just want to get some practice in on cleans

GHR x 10 x 2

Hyper extension
+55lbs x 10
body weight x 25 x 3 sets

GHR abs static holds x 3 sets

My dling has been hit and miss of late due to all the squatting and the sore ham string and a stinger in myback on the same side Right. things feel light but I cant pull fast / hard or explode some days.

I supposed we have days like this

Monday, September 28, 2009


Bench. 9.28.09
Man wiped out from the olympia but had agreat time EARLY morning training with little sleep but went OK.

Full range bench
Bar x 20
95 x 10
135 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
Shoulder feeling iffy today

Foam roller press
405 x 1
420 x 1
425 x 1
Bumped it 5 then 10 lbs higher then last week

Db row
70 x 5 x 14 sets
110 x 20

Full range
315 x 6
275 x 10
225 x 16

Slight incline DB
80 x 10
90 x 10
110 x 6

Heavy Curl single load + whatever the bar is 15 or 20 lbs??
90 x1
110 x 1
140 x 1
Just slowly bumping this each week to see how the arms react. So far some slight pain but not bad with the volume so low


Friday, September 25, 2009

OK so heading to the olympia, posterior chain still shot from the eccentric DL's so wanted soemthing mindless and quick so I rolled the Die that Troy is using and I came up with #1 the opposite of what he got I had to do the descending ladder. I was persuaded to not use 405 which would be 70% for me and go for 365 due to being beat up still from wednesday and not used to this stuff. In hind sight glad I did in this case. I know I could have gotten the 405 but it would have sucked BIG.

these werent my deepest by any means but I think they were mostly parallel hard to tell from the angle. I really dont care I got he work in and cant feel my legs should make for a wonderful car ride. I think ill do this once a month or so roll the dice and mix it in with my triples at high load.

warm up to 405
365 x 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

the last 4 sets sucked I had no pop left but could do then it was just getting them done at that point. the hardest part was getting my HR back down and breath back LOL

Paul kicked ass as well and got a big 40lb PR

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Paul has a great day

Learning the Log Press, tire flip, and some basic throws in 1o minutes to get ready and continue to practice for Lift for Hope.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Training 9.23.09

9.23.09 DL day

Session 1

DL from floor
135 x 5
225 x3
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 1
585 x 1
DL eccentrics
675 x 1
725 x 1 x 3 sets
675 x 2
Well if time under tension means anything I got some today its easy until mid shin the last few inches is very very hard to control on an eccentric

Also did these lifts to get is back to the pins
495 x 1 x 3 sets
585 x 1 x 2 sets

DL Bump and go 495 x 10

Session 2

Worked on squat cleaning which I have never done always power clean but felt ok using light weight then just worked to a few cleans at 225 back was pretty fried from this morning.

Did a few dragon flags and some suit case holds

that’s it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Benching 9.21.09


I am going to do a few week run with foam roller pressing to hit the upper end (triceps hard) and then get some full range volume in.

Full range bench
Bar x 20
95 x 10
135 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1

Foam roller press
365 x 3
385 x 1
405 x 1
415 x 1
Right arm is still weaker and shoulder acting Ill stop here and work up slowly over the weeks want to hit a lot of lighter volume that seems to help the should and build strength.

Db row
70 x 5 x 14 sets
100 x 20

Full range Bench
315 x 5
275 x 8
225 x 12

Incline DB
70 x 10
80 x 10
90 x 10

Heavy Curl single load + whatever the bar is 15 or 20 lbs??
90 x1
100 x 1
130 x 1
Just slowly bumping this each week to see how the arms react. So far some slight pain but not bad with the volume so low

Squat 9.19.09

Not feeling great but just get something going here after the move

Bar x some
135 x 5 x 2
225 x 5
315 x 3 x 2
405 x 3
455 x 3 x 5 sets
495 x 1

First two sets sucked on the 455 hit the pins hard on one then the last three felt good. Hips were starting to loosen up

Front squat
285 x 5 x 3

Press outs
95 x 10
145 x 10
195 x 10 x 2

that’s it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Spot Reduction Fallacy

I hear it time and time again from the usual abs and thighs to some outlandish ones, "Phil, thanks for listening. I have an incredibly fat face. The rest of me is fine can you give me some exercises and foods that will burn fat from my face and leave the rest of me how I like it." AAHHHH!!,

Um yhea buy and ultra sized back of big league chew, and cram the whole thing in your mouth and chew it every day all day for a month, 30 days and you'll have a ripped and shredded cranium.

People, I don't care what the commercials say, the popular media, etc. Spot reduction is a fallacy. Aside from some new studies Dr. Lowery quoted about a year ago in an interview we did that shows "some" promise spot reduction is not something you should spend your time chasing. In my time, from being anywhere from Ultra fat to crazy lean I can tell you that fat comes of your body at its own regulated pace from the whole of you.

I like the general rule of first on, last off. Meaning, the place you as an individual put fat on first is going to as well be the last place it comes off. For most of us as well, that's the one spot we want it off the most, the abs in men, hips in women, with some variance of course.

To get it off, I'm sorry, doing endless crunches or thigh master reps ain't going to cut the mustard. Those moves are just as prone to burn fat off your chest or calves as they are to take it off the areas you want.

Take a whole body approach, work with BIG moves, pick activities that are going to target the body as a whole and give you the most bang for the buck, then go for a walk to target fat as fuel. If you want to pick it up more throw a back pack or weighted vest on, or drag a light sled. Get that core temp up, get your sweat on, and enjoy yourself. Have a training program based in BIG compound moves to preserve and build that BIG furnace of metabolism and eat foods that math your goals.

Realize your limbs are generally going to be leaner then the rest of you. Your body, the human being is "lazy" by nature. The human body has to expend energy to move on a regular basis. Therefore the body fat goes up as you move more and more proximal into that core center of gravity and around those vital organs and for a reason. That is the ideal place to store fuel and not expend as much energy moving it, as well it is for your protection.

If you want a tip that "might" help. Bundle up so the tissues you want to shed, fat, are warm and therefore get more blood flow. It's not a sure fire thing by any means but may help a bit, though your still going to have to still look at the body as a whole. You just can't have a ripped six pack without first having shredded to the bone legs, arms, chest, and all else etc.

Originally Posted on StaleyTraining.com

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Training 9.16.09

9.16.08 DL Training

We are all feeling a bit beat up from the move etc but time to get back on the horse. Benefit its only going to be 99 today!! Next three days below the 100’s. fall is here.

AH Damn got to go barefoot my DL shoes are still at the other house.

Just going to get the work in
DL Conventional from floor warm up
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 1
585 x 1
Felt easy but just off a little, due to shoe’s?? maybe prob more just moving fatigue.

Rack Pull above Knee
585 x 1
695 x 3 x 5 added 10 lbs from last time
765 x 1
835 x 1
Not bad nothing felt great today but got the work in

One arm SLDL
175 x 5 x 3 added 20 lbs from last time

Post workout swim in the new Pool

Training part 2
DB press 50 x 20
70 x 15
90 x 10
105 x 13

Clean pulls
225 x 5
315 x 5 x 3

that’s it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

training 9.1.09

Squat 9.11.09

Very brief training session I used all the plates left at the old BNB, the only bar and some rusty clamps for collars

135 x5
225 x2
315 x2
405 x1
495 x 1 x2
615 x 1 x 2 slow eccentrics

315 x 20

that’s is aside from moving some crap.

The 315 felt like candy after the 615 I didn’t try and lift hose at all that’s 45 lbs over my current max just going down as slow and tight as possible. I was happy at how much I was able to control them on a day I felt like crap.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Training wed 9.9.09

DL day

Backing off a bit today just working to something very heavy as my back has ben fatigued as hell from al the squatting and DL volume and moving. I will then get back to volume on the DL and mainly squat concentration. I want o stick to this. Id rather lose 10-20lbs on my DL in the short term to bring my squat up 80-90 lbs in the long term them I will go back to my bread and butter on the DL heavy singles get he hammy healed up and it should come up fats above and beyond even where it was from all the volume and work with slowly adding load to heavy triples. Just have to be patient and keep my eye on the big picture a larger total right now and bringing the weak ass squat and bench up. The DL will come along it always has.

DL Conventional from floor warm up
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 1
585 x 1

Rack Pull Mid shin
585 x 1
635 x 1
675 x 1
695 x 1 that was hard way below a PR but Il live read above. This is also a hard spot for me the start from
Last recorded PR was 745 but I am pretty sure Ive done more and missed marking it down

Speed Wombat DL
405 x 1 x 10
Did a rep on the minute for 10 minutes

Despite eating like a horse my weight was down as well

Evening training, Nope just spent time coaching and moving stuff.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Sept 7th
Bench Volume

1A)Full Range
Bar x 20
95 x 10
135 x5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 27 8 more reps

Man I suck at reps. I am powerful and fats then just hit a WALL and I am used up, but its coming along I may lower the load for a bit and move back up after a few weeks
its my triceps that just fall flat I explode get it half way up and Bonk

1B)DB Rows
Warm up sets of 5
90 x 35 each arm 5 minutes

2A)Pin press
315 x 5
365 x 2 x 2
315 x 5

2B) Heavy Curl single load + whatever the bar is 15 or 20 lbs??
70 x 1
80 x 1
90 x1
100 x 1
125 x 1
Still light but pain is the limiter on the left inner head, distal bicep tendon just taking it slow

3) dips x 12 x 2 sets
GHR Sit ups with Band 1 warm up 1 all out set

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Saturday 9.5.09


Squat day

wasn’t sure how things would go pouring rain her and that really plays havoc on my left hip lots of joint pain and tightness

Squat (no belt no wraps)
135 x5
225 x 5 x 2 sets
315 x 3 x 2 sets
405 x 1
455 x 1 (man that felt like a TON today as I was just sore and back very fatigued)

Speed squats
405 x 2 x 1sets
Stopped that just to much hip pain and stiffness

Squat volume
135 x10
185 x ?
225 x ?
315 x ?
405 x 10

Zerchers with 3” Fatbar
135 x5
225 x 5
315 x 5
Man these sucked they were worse then 415 with a regular bar. They don’t rest in the crook of your arm so it was a BIG 315 lb biceps isometric to do them sucked but in a good way

That’s it.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friday training 9/4/09

OH press work

Jerks out of rack with 5 press outs

Push press with 3 press outs
120kg easy

Pull overs and scap depression
7 sets

jerk and OH squat practice
few sets at 70kg few set at 40kg
going to work with 40 until I can squat to parallel its mainly just not doing it and a mobility issue

few band rows

fun day

Friday, September 4, 2009

Phil and San Talk Shop

Phil has a sit down with Staley Training Systems newest Sponsored Athlete Sam Cox. They go over Sam, his accomplishments and plans, then open up the lines for questions on anything training and nutrition related to talk shop.

This MP3 recording is packed with great information - you can listen to it directly off the site here or save it to your computer and listen to it whenever (or even on your MP3 player).

Click the graphic below to begin listening immediately or

right-click on the graphic and choose "Save Target As"
to download the MP3 file to your computer
to listen to later

Originally Posted on Staley Training . com

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Session 2 9/2/09

I didnt do to much

some loaded walks one KB overhead one at side
a few complexes then coaching

had a GREAT energy going tonight and everyone Kicked Butt

Kim is getting MUCH stronger off the floor the deficits are working

Troy was looking awesome and hit a big Front squat PR after snatch PR

Big Geno had a great day doing Anderson squats and cursing me then benching

Charles got Solid Jerk work in

Cory learned to Snatch

Josh was learning Log Press and Sumo DL

Great Day all around

DL Training 9/2/09

Sept 2nd session #1

DL Conventional from floor warm up
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 1
585 x 1

Rack Pull below Knee
585 x 1
655 x 3 x 5
didn’t go any higher they felt to heavy today

Clean Lift Offs / DL To Knee
315 x 5
405 x 5 x 3sets
Starting conservative on these, force me to not go round back just o strengthen that portion. Prior to my first 700 I did about 3-4 weeks of these and they helped. They sucked in a good way

Nothing ground breaking but got the work in