INBD Dec 7th 09
YTA’s 3 sets trying to make these habit
Bench close grip with tendo unit and Dbl over red bands
Bar x 10 x 3
95 x 5 x 3
135 x 5 x 2
185 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 2 x 5 sets
Speed = about the same as last week a bit more constant. I tried wide grip on the last set and of course much faster.
But all of them close and wide caused some pain in the back of my shoulder. it’s the speed much like last time that causes pain. I can pause and press slow with zero pain its just hard because well its slow
Bench Paused straight weight none explosive
315 x 1
335 x 1
365 x 1
Ultra close Grip bench 225 x 5 x 7 sets
Super setted with
DB rows run the rack
110 x 1
100 x 10
90 x 10
80 x 10
75 x 10
70 x 10
50 x 15
Few lat raises etc that’s it
Like I said going to change bench training no exploding add eccentric training in as it doesn’t hurt at all
I DID It Folks
It has been about 10 months since I last wrote a blog, how crazy is that
considering I use to write in my blog all the time. I actually miss writing
I’ve b...
8 years ago
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