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Sunday, October 31, 2010

2 for 1

I missed fridays training it was a must so this was my attempt to fit two days, OH press/chins and DL day in one went ok

Warm up to 630 x 1

Rack Pull below knee vs double over green bands
425 x 1
535 x 1
555 x 1
575 x 1
595 x 1
625 x 1
645 x 1
thats last one was a drag, pulling against those think bands is hell, non point of the lift like a regular DL does it get easy just harder and harder the whole way up.

Speed box squat against dbl over blue bands
225 x 2 x 5 sets

BB strict press
197.5 x 5 x 3 sets

some sets of some

Friday, October 29, 2010

Supplement Sham

Just a little rant!!!

The supplement sham companies are just out of damn hand.

56!!! damn Ingredients!!! How can a 20gram serving of a supplement ( I wont name any names, it was a sample sent to me) have 56 damn ingredients and have any one of those ingredients in any kind of volume to make a bit of difference??

My recommendations to ppl

From someone who has been in this industry a bit, is look for as close to ONE ingredient in anything you put in your mouth as possible be it food or supplement, and IMO generally the companies out there putting out quality stuff are the ones thats DON'T!!!! have 500 different products. they have a very few limited ones.

How can a company have a gillion products and then claim at the same time to have years of science and man hours invested in the creation of each and everyone.

Few is good

I wont name good or bad names here just those few guidelines in general

end rant, I don't even feel like writing more on this crap just wanted to say something.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


another OK day training at DCF

skwat day wanted to test and see what the squat was like to depth to see if I want to do it in the meet on the non existent hip. worked to 455 x 2 it was super easy was using a very narrow oly stance felt weird but easy and a bit painful. Aching more now a few hours removed. Ill gauge pain over 24 hours and see if its even worth it

Box jumps
some x a few

Test squat see what it feels like
bar x a few x some
135 x 3 x 2
225 x 3 x 2
275 x 2
315 x 2
365 x 2
405 x 1
455 x 1
455 x 2
these were to depth well on one side like usual Id get a red light from the judge on my left the side with the bad hip. It bind up bone on bone just above parallel so i drop the right side to dept and come up. Good thing you only need two whites LOL

Box Squat
405 x 10
455 x 10
these went good with some nice motivational yells from my wife and the others there

power snatch
95 x 2 x 2
115 x 1 x 2
135 x 1 x 2
155 x 1
165 x 1 x 5
these were caught standing up. need to practice more of these get that explosion hard to be explosive aftere high reps squats LOL

Farmers per hand
225 x 50 x 1
275 x 50 x 2

thats it took forever testing the squat looking for stance etc that hurt the least

body weight up 6 lbs in two days !!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Good bench day

I wasnt sure what to expect as I changed training days up and was pressing 2 days early. things felt great and body weight is up

Floor press
Bar x
135 x 10
185 x 10
225 x 5 175 x 3
315 x 1
345 x 3 x 2 sets
345 x 5

Inverted Ring rows
8 sets

lock outs vs dbl red bands
225 x 8
275 x 5 x 4 sets

Reps for time 70reps
80lb DB press and 70lb DB rows
time = 20:09
I was burnt triceps were dead

band Hammer curls
4 sets

Friday, October 22, 2010

almost like deadlifting

155 x 3
265 x 3
355 x 1
445 x 1
535 x 1
585 x 1
610 x 3 x 3
decided against pulling extras heavier my hands are still ripped open.

snatch and clean pulls
20 minutes

Keg loading to 48”
1 load

that’s it I was beat today things felt slow but easy

Sarah and Phil. Boogie Time!!!!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

This weeks deal Oct 22nd

This weeks deal, quantity 100 preshrunk cotton jersey knit t-shirts, screen printed two color front and back. $4.93 each for sizes s-XL, 2XL - 3XL = $5.90 each. good until next Thursday. These are high quality Gildan T-Shirts and hand screen printing, not the cheap laser jet crap you get at Cafe Press etc.

Drop me a line if your interested or want a quote on a higher qty.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

A couple good quotes for today

Just two quotes that fit much that is on my mind of late.

“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
--Robert A. Heinlein

A man's life is interesting primarily when he has failed--I well know. For it's a sign that he tried to surpass himself. -Georges Clemenceau

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

good day

despite shit sleep I felt pretty damn good today finally able to loose the wrist wraps as the wrist seems healed and thumbs. Been foam rolling more.

Floor press
bar x ?
135 x 10
185 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
340 x 3 x 2 sets
340 x 4
Not bad was hoping for more on the last set but hit a wall at lock out. Im not going to bitch though im adding 5 lbs a week and hitting the same reps. Ill run these a few more weeks

Inverted Ring rows
8 sets

EDT 15 minutes
80lb DB press and 70lb DB rows
total reps 66
thats 16 more reps than last week felt good

4 sets

band Hammer curls
4 sets

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Box jumps
24” x 1 x 4
26” x 1 x 2
28” x 1 x 2
31” x 1 x 2
33” x 1
35” x 1
36 x 1 x 4

Box Squat
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 1
455 x 1
495 x 1
545 x 1
455 x 7 x 5 sets

Speed box squat against dbl over green bands
315 x 2 x 5 sets
This was a lot better some nice hard band tension

Farmers per hand
135 x 50’
185 x 50’
called it early on these forgot my shoes and running over varied surfaced with heavier farmers in just socks didn’t seem like a great idea

Monday, October 18, 2010

Strength Athletes and Cancer

What two better benefits could think of to make a donation to too help.

It's just that you can do now for the next two weeks. I have taken Lift for hope and joined up with my good friend Jules and the Thomas VanValkenburg fight against cancer fund.

For more info go Here

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm a lifer.... are you?

I got a nice laugh last night checking out at the grocery store. I went to the local Food4Less to get myself and the family some meat for a few days (10 lbs of chicken and 7 lbs of pork roast), some natural peanut butter and a few other essentials as is usual on my Tuesday evening. As I go through the checkout line, I noticed the guy bagging groceries sizing me up. I’ll be the first to admit I’m sexy as ever, even though sadly my weight is down a bit. My current weight is around 255 and I’m pretty shredded for a man this size. Furthermore, I am sporting a nice full beard, my lifts are up and I’m getting plenty lot of 2nd looks from the female crowd (Of course, I say this with the utmost humility!). That being said, I still couldn’t help but wonder what the heck was on this guy’s mind? I was not expecting what was to come, me crushing another young man’s false dreams fed to him by our instant gratification, need it now media driven society.

Then his mouth opened and the diarrhea just began to pour, slow at first but quickly the flow increased into a raging river of liquid fecal matter. The following conversation ensued…

Him: “Dude do you play football?”

Me: “No I wish.” (Thinking to myself, “Yeah, if I did that I’d actually make money. There isn’t a dime to be made in strongman, powerlifting and Highland games… where did I go wrong?” Now I’m pissed at the kid for reminding me)

At this point in the conversation, the guy attempts to flex skin and bone, puffs out his puny looking chest and slides my 10 lbs of chicken across the checkout counter, BEEP!

Him: “Yeah I’ve been hitting the gym to build up a look like you real quick.”

Me: “Great keep it up, just takes time”

Him: “Time huh? How long have you been at it?”

Me: “I’ve been competing in powerlifting, strongman and highland games for about 5 years.”

Him: “Yea, but how long did it take you to look like that?”

Me: “Years… Longer than I’ve been competing by far”

He nearly drops my glorious 7 pound pork roast, the last in the store, on the floor as a look of sadness comes over his face. Beep

Him: “Damn, You mean I can’t hit the gym a few days a week and look like you in say… 3 months!?!?”

I grin and shake my head. I must be getting slow in my old age as I should have seen this coming.

Me: “Three months is a start bud. Get in there, train hard, eat a lot, and be consistent and you can make a great transformation in 90 days”

I pack my bags in the cart and start to head out.

Him: “Yeah and I bet you got to eat all good and stuff, huh? My problem is when I get to drinking I lose my appetite.”

Me: As I keep going to the exit I say, “Just eat a lot. You see this 17 lbs of meat? That’s for me and a 135lb woman and will last us maybe 3 – 4 days. Eat and train hard. Good luck buddy.

I hear him grovel and grumble a bit disheartened as I walk away.

Him: “Oh man…. But I heard 6 weeks on that…..and read about an 8 week… food I eat a lot already……”

I smile and move on; my legs still aching and sweaty from an earlier Highland games training session…

I’m a Lifer…

Sadly, this type of interaction has been an almost daily occurrence for me for some time now. This particular conversation refreshed some wise words I heard Jim Wendler say 3 months back at Mark Rippetoe’s coaches round table conference. To paraphrase Jim, it was something along the lines of; “6 weeks to this, 8 weeks to that, 30 days to these results… f*** that, I’m a lifer. I’m in this for life, not 8 weeks.”

Damn right Jim! I, along with anyone who has ever achieved sustainable physical changes, are F’ing lifers as well. If you expect more than average results with respect to physique changes or improvements in your athletic sport of choice you HAVE to be one. You MUST be one. This can’t be a part time hobby. It can’t be some BS gimmick quick fix change that you implement for 6-8 weeks and then go back to your way of life, it has to be a COMMITMENT, a PASSION, a DAILY part of your life, a TRUE piece of enjoyment in you.

Being a lifer is a tough pill to swallow for most individuals who have grown up in our news flash, 30 seconds of attention span, pill driven, quick fix society. When making goals, I ask you to sit down and be honest with yourself. Realize the results you want are going to take time; even years if you actually have the balls to strive to become something greater than average. Being a lifer will mean you have the patience and maturity to commit months, maybe even years, to fixing a weakness or adding 5 more lbs on the bar. It means that you know there is going to be a lot of blood, sweat and tears along the way.

You must accept this challenge and look forward to it. You must also recognize the negatives that come with any great achievement. Namely, you’ll have to give up many of your current comforts to reach your goals. However, the truth be told, these very same pains and negatives you accept are the same that will bring the good times, laughs, and years tossing iron with your fellow lifers. As Sean Casey says, “Reaching goals is like an ADDICTION. Upon reaching each goal you’ll find yourself NEEDING to achieve a higher one.” You’ll never be content; find joy in this fact. Perfection is a false construct, for if you ever reached it there would be nothing more to go after. I have said it before, strive for perfection but relish in the fact you’ll never ever reach it, there is always more that you can accomplish. Understand and enjoy the fact you will be married to the physical and nutritional culture till death do you part. It is a habit, and maturity, that comes in time.

It is a level on the “gym goers” evolutionary ladder that many of your counterparts can’t, and won’t take. If they would then we’d all be elite. It takes a special kind of person, much like it takes a special person to be a quantum physics instructor. It is when we reach this stage of acceptance maturity that one truly begins to make progress.

Are you a lifer, really, are you?

Stay Tuned for the next installment, Evolution of a Gym Goer: Lifer vs Obsession


1 Image taken by Nepenthes. Accessed October 17th, 2010 from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Desert_road_UAE.JPG

Written on October 17, 2010 by Phil Stevens
Last Updated: October 17, 2010

This information is not intended to take the place of medical advice. CasePerformance is not responsible for the outcome of any decision made based off the information presented in this article.

About the Author: Coach Phil Stevens is an accomplished strength athlete with considerable experience in Powerlifting, strongman competition, and highland games. Phil is the 2007 APA World Champion in the 242-pound class (total). He has held the APF 275-pound class raw National bench, squat, deadlift, and total records. Phil’s marquis lift was his 725-pound raw beltless deadlift, performed on February, 2010 in Phoenix, Arizona. He has been ranked in the “Top 10” in the deadlift across all national powerlifting federations. In addition, Phil has in a few short months moved to the A class in highland games with the goal of going Pro. His coaching services are avalable by clicking on the Strength Sport Consultation tab.

Professional Commitments:In addition to his coaching duties, he also serves as the California State Chair for the North American Highlander Association, as well as the founder of Lift For Hope an annual strength competition with proceeds donated to charity. He also runs his own printing business (business cards to t-shirts with everything in between) that can be found at www.bingcolorprint.com.

This article was originally published at CasePerformance

Pressing day

Just one of those days where everything was achy so just punched the clock and took an easy day

worked up to 230

Behind neck push press
225 x 3

strict press
worked just to 215 x 3

DB press
4 sets

Pull ups / chins
just a bunch of sets of various chins and pull ups
from dead hang to ring chins etc.

Friday, October 15, 2010

DL snatch Keg

155 x 3
265 x 3
355 x 1
445 x 1
535 x 1
585 x 1
605 x 3 x 3
625 x 1
645 x 1
These sucked today until the last set of 605 then those were easy. Before that I was out on my toes etc and just couldn’t get back the last set was cake as it should be so then took to more easy singles at 625 and 645. Few more weeks and Ill move back to heavy work from the rack and floor with singles

hang power snatch 20 minutes
nothing heavy just exploding with doubles from 95 to 135

Keg loading to 48”
300 x 6 reps
these were much easier on this my second week back to them grab pop. felt good even after all the DLing

Rotational abs
3 sets

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Half arsed benchin day

Floor press
bar x ?
135 x 10
185 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
335 x 3 x 4 sets
335 x 4
Wow I didn’t have it today got all the work in and an extra rep but just wasn’t feeling strong everything was slow and grinding a bit

Inverted Ring rows
8 sets

EDT 15 minutes
80lb DB press and 70lb DB rows
total reps 50
I admit-tingly wasn’t pushing it just went through it and set a baseline. I wasn’t lolly gagging either but just not trucking

4 sets

band Hammer curls
4 sets

Monday, October 11, 2010

Squats and farmers

Box jumps
20” x 1 x 4
24” x 1 x 3
26” x 1 x 2
28” x 1 x 2
31” x 1 x 2
33” x 1 x 2
35” x 1 x 5
Not bad none of these were hard it was straight legged until 31 the some knee bend Ill slowly raise these up over the weeks try and get back in the high 40’s

Box Squat
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 1
455 x 1
495 x 1
450 x 7,8,7,7,6
These sucked balls today but I got the work in

Speed box squat against dbl over blue bands
275 x 2 x 5 sets

270 x 50’
370 x 50’
450 x 50’ x 3 sets
That is total farmers weight not each. So these were light and fast I’m going to ease this up over the weeks this was the first time doing them in a long while.

Abs and back extensions
1 set each

Not a bad day all in all not good not bad just was

Dear Phil help my womanly whoas of a wanning 6 pack

Dear Phil Please help! I'm from the Uk and since i was 8 or 9 years old, i have had a slim build with a six pack i have kept very easily. I would eat dozens of pizza's and junk and not affect it a bit. However, now i am growing older now, i've noticed i have now got an increasing layer of fat on my stomach, slowly dulling the shape of that particular muscle. Which means a lot to me, and my girlfriend who says she will leave me if I lose my 6 pack. I eat just the same but simply haven't had enough time for sport or training because it's a very busy time for me with work. I am landing new jobs and promotions that have lead me to a great secure income and living. I am at a loss not much has changed but I am losing my beloved 6 pack and with it soon my beautiful 6 pack loving girl, What can I do.

UM, ah wow!! wear do I start??

You eat the same.. but you no longer play sports or train and your at a loss why your gaining body fat???? Hmmm?? that is a mystery to me as well. I would have you write down what you used to do to maintain it, then write down what your doing now. THEN juts take a look at the two lists try and maybe see if something is missing from the old schedule and the new schedule. I'm betting in that missing element you will find your answer as to why your gaining body fat.

Second congrats!!!

Your growing up and turning into a man and will maybe soon realize a six pack doesn't really mean a damn thing in the real world. I've never seen a six pack win a race, win a fight, win a Nobel peace prize or pick up a big weight. Honestly I have never seen one do anything impressive in all my life except sit there and look pretty, have you?? They are something that's attainable, but not needed in any real way, and in all honesty the desire to maintain one year round can actually be a hindrance to many Many goals.

I should mention. I have nothing against six pack abzzzzz. Ive had them and will likely again and know plenty of great people who do have them. However they have them mainly not by trying to get them, but as a default of their other actions. Such as a weight classed fighter who gets fast strong and powerful yet has to drop weight to fit in his class. He by very default of his need to be light and have the ability to kick ass carries a lot of muscle and then low body fat. But his abs don't win the fight.

get the picture. They are IMO a default happening of much greater aspirations.

As for your question what can you do?? I feel you have two options as a 6 pack is just all about low body fat and nothing more, that's it.

#1 You can accept your growing older and your childhood metabolism is slowing. You'll need to change your eating habits, eat better food and a bit less calories to make up for the large drop in activity and do what you can to get some at LEAST resistance training in to hold onto your lean muscle tissue. Then, drop the shallow bitch and find another one that actually has some kind of gray matter in that melon like structure on top of her shoulders. One that has an appreciation for greater things in life that you or others can give aside from a pretty six pack.

#2 Quit your job. Go back to the old you live as if your a child and have all the time in the world for sports training etc. You'll lose some life security, maturity and such and still in time as years go by have to learn to change your crap diet as you age but for the time being you'll maintain that blessed six pack, just don't expect to get to darn much smarter, stronger, or less shallow. OH but id still drop the shallow bitch and find another one that actually has some kind of gray matter in that melon like structure on top of her shoulders. One that has an appreciation for greater things in life that you or others can give aside from a pretty six pack.
Even just eating better food choices could help and lower calorie intake raise.

Good luck and be sure to post some sweet ass picks of that 6 pack and the hottie that loves them so much.,


Sunday throwing

went and got some throwing in

went ok haven't done any since moving have been working on HWFD and open stone so much. But these went ok just need to get more explosive and was throwing to high.

HWFD = went ok was still hitting lower than I want in the 27' range but getting better

LWFD= went great I haven't touched it in a few weeks really made progress on this from all my foot speed practice need a but more height but live drived the damn thing 63 feet a few times. Was getting the feel for this weight.

that's it

Saturday, October 9, 2010

OH Press and pull ups

Log Push Press
90 x 3 x 2 sets
140 x 2
180 x 1
230 x 1
240 x 1
250 x 1
260 x 1

BB Push Press
225 x 1
245 x 1
265 x 1
285 x 1

Pull Ups
Bx x 2 x 2sets
Bw + 53lbs x 1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4

DB strict press and band pull downs
5 sets

EDT 15 minutes
Band triceps and biceps
Total 60 reps

Lat raises
3 sets

An ok start to this log felt OK BB felt EASY!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

DL and a few Kegs

155 x 3
265 x 3
355 x 1
445 x 1
535 x 1
600 x 3 x 3
635 x 1
655 x 1 very easy
I want to slowly push this to where I am hitting 700 in a fatigued state after hitting my triples

Clean grip hang snatch few sets

300lb Keg loading over 48Inch bar
3 sets

That it got in late so had little energy but everything went great just didn’t get in everything planned. Not bad for a first day back. Ill get it all in next week might do extra tomorrow.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Heavy weight for distance tonight

wasn't bad for a first day back after a break I was in the 27 foot range. and getting better.

Onward and upward

There is Nothing More Anabolic than a Calorie

Just think about it. There really isn't,

A supplement?? no

Training?? No in actuality training stimulus is really very catabolic and destructive, it is only a trigger/stimulus for potential growth IF we then givve the body the rest and caloric resources for that stimulus and damage recovery.

Steroids?? Not a chance, no really not even close

Talking about this topic today Shawn Phillips mentioned a thought he had the other day while walking his boy to school.
It hit him that if food was illegal and steroids in every corner market, food would be recognized as the most potent performance enhancer... ever...

It was more complex than that but just thinking about the way the power of protein and nutrition is taken for granted.

We want to lose weight, gain muscle and we seek magic pills and potions but eat like hell...


I go even futher:

Just think if that reality Shawn thought of was true and steroids were legal, yet food scare and illegal. It would be a world of men and women much smaller, and much weaker and out of shape than even our populous as a whole now. Yes even with an over abundance of these performance enhancers and anabolic agents.

I could pump anyone you choose full of as many illegal anabolics as possible, lets say even more that has ever been dreamt, An amount to that had the potential to turn a mere mortal into a mix between a rhino and a silver back. If I didn't give him the simple caloric intake to support the heightened protein synthesis and recovery he would not gain a pound and would actually continue to lose muscle if we didn't find a food source.

People forget this. That the largest potential to growth, their goals, their progress lies not in a supplement store, not in a needle, not in the gym but in the fridge and on the end of their forks, If they raise it to their mouths.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Benchin' and nailing the triceps

Floor press
bar x ?
135 x 10
185 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
330 x 3 x 2 sets
330 x 7 PR by 2.5 lbs
again went great, think I had 1-2 more on the 330 as well but didn’t have a spot so called it

Inverted Ring rows
9 sets

DB press and DB rows
80 x 4 sets

80 lb DB rows
4 sets

4 sets

Hammer curls
4 sets
My right bicep is still weak as piss from blowing the tendon way back when need to keep this stuff in

Great first day back I got a stupid pump I’m guess from the break and coming back. Good day

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'mmmmm BAAAaaaCk

I'm back and I'm married and rested.

12 days off except some very very might lifting one day.

I am proud to say I coached Geno in vegas and he hit several Personal and world records and won the worlds in the 100% RAW division in the 308 class. Great job Geno!! that was a bad ass deadlift

Also Andy lLaird another athlete I have trained hit a BIG DL pr of 450+ in the 60-65 age class as a 189er woo hoo Andy.

I'm back and will be training again I'm healed refreshed and ready to roll

today went and threw light weight for a half hour. Ill go to the gym tomorrow.