Just think about it. There really isn't,
A supplement?? no
Training?? No in actuality training stimulus is really very catabolic and destructive, it is only a trigger/stimulus for potential growth IF we then givve the body the rest and caloric resources for that stimulus and damage recovery.
Steroids?? Not a chance, no really not even close
Talking about this topic today Shawn Phillips mentioned a thought he had the other day while walking his boy to school.
It hit him that if food was illegal and steroids in every corner market, food would be recognized as the most potent performance enhancer... ever...
It was more complex than that but just thinking about the way the power of protein and nutrition is taken for granted.
We want to lose weight, gain muscle and we seek magic pills and potions but eat like hell...
I go even futher:
Just think if that reality Shawn thought of was true and steroids were legal, yet food scare and illegal. It would be a world of men and women much smaller, and much weaker and out of shape than even our populous as a whole now. Yes even with an over abundance of these performance enhancers and anabolic agents.
I could pump anyone you choose full of as many illegal anabolics as possible, lets say even more that has ever been dreamt, An amount to that had the potential to turn a mere mortal into a mix between a rhino and a silver back. If I didn't give him the simple caloric intake to support the heightened protein synthesis and recovery he would not gain a pound and would actually continue to lose muscle if we didn't find a food source.
People forget this. That the largest potential to growth, their goals, their progress lies not in a supplement store, not in a needle, not in the gym but in the fridge and on the end of their forks, If they raise it to their mouths.
I DID It Folks
It has been about 10 months since I last wrote a blog, how crazy is that
considering I use to write in my blog all the time. I actually miss writing
I’ve b...
8 years ago
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