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Monday, July 12, 2010

Question of the Day #4

OK since no one got all three of the others correct were going to try this again? The first person to get all three questions exactly right will get an "I Supported Lift For Hope" T-shirt.

Again be honest no cheating and using google, If you do the god of Iron, meat, and all things honest and noble will crash down upon you in later years.

Q1 = If the insertion of the biceps muscles are at the distal end, then the origin of the muscles must be at the _____ end. (fill in the blank)

Q2 = In the image below, What is the name given to this kind of an extreme meander in a river that can later turn into a lake when they eventually converge? (Click on picture to see full image)

Q3 = In Monty Python and the Holy Grail, what was brought forth to kill the bunny rabbit?


  1. 1. Proximal?..I hope that anatomy class in college paid off.
    2. Oxbow Lakes
    3. Holy Hand Gernade..I know this one for sure, lol.

  2. Proximal
    Oxbow lake
    Holy Hand Grenade.

    And of course I'm too late

  3. All of the above and I'm a cheat:-)

  4. Proximal
    Oxbox Lakes
    Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I spoke to soon Wayne you got one of them wrong by just a smidge

  7. Proximal
    Holy hand grenade of Antioch

  8. Great work Jesse I had three people tied with Just about the right answer but I wanted to let it run the 24 hours to see if anyone got all of question 3 your the first.

  9. Oh hey, wait.... I get a shirt out of this? Bonus.
