August 12 2009
DL Day session 1
I am now DLing in the morning as Im better then than at night, will coach and do some assistance stuff this afternoon
I am going to triples SUCK!! as I haven't done them in a long time. Not touch and go but stop and reset for each rep and will start of conservative 80% and going to do all my pulling conventional for awhile as that’s what built my strength as it is and I am nailing the hips and quads hard in all the squatting
DL Conventional
135 x 5
225 x3
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 1
545 x 3 x 5 sets
these felt like speed deads
585 x 1
635 x 1 felt heavy after all the other crap LOL
Snatch grip SLDL
420 x 5 x 3
That's it felt great to pull conventional again, Like they say conventional DLer's Just stand up
I DID It Folks
It has been about 10 months since I last wrote a blog, how crazy is that
considering I use to write in my blog all the time. I actually miss writing
I’ve b...
8 years ago
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