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Friday, July 17, 2009

Fitness Worldwide: Explained

The world of fitness as we know it has grown immensely with the advent of the Internet. The fitness knowledge that used to be shared by fellow gym rats, team mates or possibly a region, is now out there for the world to see. If one wants to find information on any type of fitness regime or nutrition protocol they are merely a Google search away from thousands of pages that will fill your need.

However, even in this day of shared training and nutritional wisdom via the interwebz, we yet have a tendency to get blinded by ourselves, or the latest crazes, and tend to get in our clicks or groups as fitness enthusiasts and even as coaches. It’s natural that we tend to gravitate to those of like mind, and we always will. We will always as well then try to reach out to others and bring them into our fold. “Come to the Dark Side Luke”

The problem is that this safe closet we are in can also be holding us back if we allow it; if we don’t reach out. One of the greatest things we can do for ourselves is yes, keep our formed opinions, but be open enough to view and learn what others are doing - to learn from them - grow from them. We need to reach out to take into our fold, not only their followers we convert to our obviously superior methods, but their own methodology that through our openness and education we may find useful and be able to expand our own knowledge base.

It is with this in mind that I start this series. A series of interviews that I hope will allow us as a whole, as coaches, trainers, and fitness enthusiasts, to expand our knowledge of the real state of the core worldwide fitness industry at a grass roots level. We'll take a look at the fitness industry from the eyes that are in it - not those making it - but using and living it. We will not be conducting the usual interview with well known coaches, athletes, and trainers but with that of your everyday fitness enthusiast or gym rat. Not the person who created the training or nutritional program you see in the ads or read the testimonials about, but the person who made the transformation, took those pictures for Johnny Trainers break through eBook, or Coach Happy Pant’s new DVD.

This will be a series to let us start at the foundation, and talk to people from across the globe. We will interview them about their personal triumphs in this game of iron and fork, and their view of the fitness and nutrition industry on a general level from the land they live in. We'll take an in-depth look at the state of fitness and nutrition for the population that surrounds them, and one that we may have a guess of its habits, but no clear knowledge.

I aim to give us a glimpse of what’s really taking place in training and nutrition at the gen pop level across the globe. From Calcutta to Croatia, from Bali to Berlin, it’s a global market and knowledge bank now. The first step to reaching any market, or learning from it, is to know what is at its foundation. Without that base knowledge, it’s like trying to make it to your ending point using a map that clearly defines your destination, but without a clue of where you are starting from. I am going to give us a clear point A by building a global library of spots with each installment from the words of a fitness and nutrition enthusiast living it.

Look for the first installment of this new series next week and if you are a person living anywhere aside from the continental USA and Canada, or know someone who does that doesn’t work in the fitness industry but is an enthusiast, please drop me a line to Phil@staleytraining.com

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