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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Adversity Leads to Real Passion

By Phil Stevens

We all face adversity in our training and life. Many people dread it or harp about it. I feel that adversity in most any form is what makes us truly advance.

It's by facing and dealing with these time that we truly find out what we love, our passions. If you are unable or unwilling to deal with the adversity you receive in / from an activity or lifestyle you choose, then that’s a great sign you're doing the wrong thing.

Doubt, fear, frustration is OK and to be expected at times but it overall you should still have a love and drive to do what you are doing if its something you really enjoy.

If in the stead your constantly questioning yourself, the choices you are making, always leaning toward something else but forcing yourself to stick to the path your on despite the fact your NOT enjoying the ride That’s a Damn good sign you need to change what your doing.

If at any point you are stuck in a rut, your not just having a tough time and progress has slowed but your actually dreading what you are doing, CHANGE. Why and where did we get this idea that most things worthwhile and useful have to SUCK!!! Be hard, painful, dreaded. That anything worthwhile is something where we give to, more then we receive from. NO!! That good revolves around deprivation, restriction, hours and hours of agony or at the least indifferent feelings or minor dislike for what we are doing.

Again NO!

I say it’s the opposite.

Yes, you will have hard times. Yes, they may be many. Yes, There are going to be times when you get kicked in the junk and curl up like a poisoned pup. Still even in those toughest of times, at the root of your actions, deep down there has to be some joy, love, passion, and desire for your choices of action. There has to be greater give then there is take from the choices or you wont give your all. You wont give your best if your hating what you do.

If the majority of your time is spent in disgust, stress, hating life you are not doing what you could, and likely what you should. You're not doing what you would really enjoy and would excel at and your wasting time and energy that could be better directed at what you could, what you really enjoy.

Injuries happen. PR’s get missed.

Pain, hardship, aches, plateaus all are part of the training game. If your giving your all to something, they happen and you have to deal with them. You come out the other end stronger, and smarter for it.

But, you MUST be enjoying the ride more then you are hating it. You have to be getting fired up, and finding joy in some form or another from those hurdles. If you're not...if you're getting nothing but the feeling of someone peeing in your post toastees everyday, and constantly, consistently, questioning why you're doing this...

Why am I power lifting? Why am I a strongman competitor? Why am I putting up with the pains of being a MMA fighter, or the deprivation of being a bodybuilder and getting to 4% body fat when deep down I want to go to the Olympics on the National Badminton team. Then CHANGE!

Do what you love.

Use adversity for what it is best at, as the #1 marker for what you should be doing. What you really are meant to do. What you love, have passion for, and will give your all to and enjoy doing it. After you figure that out your golden, your doing what you love and adversity will no longer be pain, or hardship, but a non issue. Adversity will be just another accepted step in the road you have chosen, and will actually fuel your fire.

Use your pain as a messenger to do what you love. Be it strength sports or chess. Sprinting or marathons. No ones goal, if its Yours, is any less noble then another’s. Allow yourself to do what you enjoy, and you’ll look adversity in the eye. Kick adversity in its virtual junk. You’ll find more joy out of pain when doing what you love then you will out of success in something you don’t.

Originally Published on StaleyTraining.com

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